Thursday, February 20, 2014

Menambahkan Logo atau Foto di System Properties Pada Windows 7

Assalamualaikum sahabat, alhamdulillah kita masih berjumpa lagi, setelah sekian lama tidak nulis, thanks buat sobat semua yang masih bersedia untuk mampir, posting kali ini sebenarnya sih bisa dibilang tidak terlalu bermanfaat tapi terkadang diperlukan juga sih untuk sebagian pihak, sobat semua tau kan System Properties yang ada pada setiap komputer  atau laptop sobat ??  itu loh yang isinya berupa informasi atau spesifikasi dasar seperti RAM(Memory), Processor, ada kok disetiap laptop atau komputer, tinggal klik kanan pada My Computer trus pilih Properties..  nah pembahasan kali ini adalah mengenai cara menambahkan Logo atau Foto pada System Properties untuk Windows 7 ya.. biasanya ini dilakukan oleh para Technical Support atau tukang service laptop buat makin eksis di laptop konsumennya.. nah sobat semua juga bisa kok nambahin sendiri, berikut caranya :

  1. Pertama kita gunakan software Windows Loader 2.1.9, software ini juga bisa digunakan untuk aktivasi windows 7 64bit.
  2. Kemudian setelah di download, dan sebelum di extract, pastikan antivirus sobat dalam keadaan mati untuk sementara,, tapi tenang saja software ini aman kok saya udah testing.
  3. Setelah antivirus dimatikan, kemudian extract lalu jalankan softwarenya, Windows Loader.exe
  4. Setelah program Windows Loader berjalan kemudian pilih tab OEM
  5. Nah untuk mengisi gambarnya, tinggal double click aja kotak besar sebelah kiri, kemudian cari dan pilih gambar yang di inginkan, tapi jenis gambarnya *jpg ya sobat.
  6. Kemudian kotak sebelah kiri ada beberapa field yang bisa di isi juga untuk menambah informasi system properties laptop atau komputer sobat, yaitu Manufactur bisa di isi dengan nama sobat sendiri,  Model atau jenis laptop sobat, Support Hours, Support Phone, dan yang terkahir situs website.
  7. Selanjutnya kalau informasi sudah terisi tinggal klik Update kemudian close programnya, dan monggo di cek system propertiesnya.
berikut screenshoot langkah langkah pada Software Windows Loadernya.

Saya udah uji coba beberapa laptop, dan alhasil System Propertiesnya berhasil saya tambahkan gambar atau logo.

Berikut Screenshootnya :

oke, saya rasa cukup sekian tulisan saya kali ini, pastinya semoga ada manfaatnya untuk kita  bersama, dan jangan bosan bosan untuk mampir ke blog saya ya sobat, walaupun sederhana semoga banyak manfaatnya, jangan segan untuk meninggalkan jejaknya ya sahabat, saya selalu menantikan komentar komentar atau celotehan celotehan dari teman, atau sahabat pengunjung semua, kita bertemu lagi pada tulisan berikutnya semoga berhasil dan selamat mencoba.

Wallahul-muwaffiq ila Aqwamith-thoriq

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mengatasi Shortcut Yang Sama ( Virus Shortcut )

Assalamualaikum sobat, alhamdulillah kita masih dapat berjumpa kembali pada tulisan saya kali ini, semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan yang maha esa. entah kapan saya terakhir posting, karena kesibukan yang diluar dugaan, sehingga saya belum sempat untuk nulis lagi. dan kali ini saya akan sedikit share mengenai keluhan teman saya.. 

katanya sih laptop yang dipakenya itu gak tau kenapa tiba tiba shortcutnya berubah menjadi sama semua, dalam kasus kali ini, shortcutnya berubah jadi Ms. Word semua.,banyak yang bilang itu kena virus shortcut ada yang bilang juga, itu kesalahan pencet yang sering terjadi.. entahlah yang benar yang mana, karena saya sendiri gak pernah ngalamin hal demikian.. nah buat sobat semua yang mengalami hal demikian, jangan buru buru panik ataupun langsung install ulang, bisa nih ikutin tips berikut terlebih dahulu. :

  1. Pertama klik start, kemudian buka RUN, gampangnya pencet aja tombol windows barengin sama R ( Windows + R ).
  2. Kemudian ketik “regedit” di kotak Run tersebut. 
  3. Kemudian masuk ke folder berikut: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.lnk 
  4. Kemudian Hapus Semua Keys kecuali “OpenWithProgids”. inget ya kecuali  “OpenWithProgids”.
  5. Dan Log Off atau restart Laptop sobat.

Saya udah uji coba beberapa laptop, dan alhasil shortcut kembali normal semua...

oke, saya rasa cukup sekian tulisan saya kali ini, pastinya semoga ada manfaatnya untuk kita bersama, dan jangan bosan bosan untuk mampir ke blog saya ya sobat, walaupun sederhana semoga banyak manfaatnya, jangan segan untuk meninggalkan jejaknya ya sahabat, saya selalu menantikan komentar komentar atau celotehan celotehan dari teman, atau sahabat pengunjung semua, kita bertemu lagi pada tulisan berikutnya semoga berhasil dan selamat mencoba.

Wallahul-muwaffiq ila Aqwamith-thoriq


Friday, November 1, 2013

ASUS Fonepad Tablet 7 Inci dengan Fungsi Telepon

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Assalamualaikum Sahabat, lama tak jumpa, semoga masih selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan. Tulisan saya kali ini, saya mau berbagi info menarik buat kalian pencinta gadget, atau yang hobi gonta ganti gadget, ada salah satu dari sekian banyaknya gadget yang ada beberapa periode ini, yaitu "ASUS Fonepad Tablet 7 Inci dengan Fungsi Telepon."

Hampir semua gadget, terutama tablet yang belakangan ini marak di pasaran tanah air Indonesia, pastinya memiliki fitur WiFi yaitu alat yang dapat menghubungkan tablet dan lainnya dengan Koneksi Internet yang saat ini menjadi kebutuhan hampir seluruh Rakyat Indnonesia. Namun Di Indonesia penyedia konektifitas Wifi belum terlalu tersebar luas saat ini, hanya pada tempat tertentu yang menyediakan fasilitas Wifi, jadi pengguna Tablet dan gadget lainnya pun terbatasi dengan lokasi yang tidak melulu ada konektifitas Wifi, dan menjadi salah satu masalah yang cukup merepotkan ketika tidak bisa terhubung dengan internet saat dibutuhkan.

Seiring berkembangnya teknologi Di Indonesia, tentu para vendor atau pemilik perusahaan produk lainnya melengkapi kebutuhan pengguna ( USER ) dengan fasilitas 3G yang dapat memanfaatkan jaringan tanpa kabel milik operator seluler agar pengguna dapat terhubung dengan internet melalui paket operator nomer seluler yang dimiliki. Nah untuk jaringan operator selular yang dilengkapi dengan fitur 3G, Di Indonesia sudah cukup meluas hampir ke pelosok negeri, 

Melihat perkembangan zaman dan teknologi, dan melihat minat serta kebutuhan yang semakin meningkat, membuat para pengguna gadget, terutama tablet menginginkan agar dapat melakukan panggilan suara atau telepon, dan untuk memenuhi keinginan para pengguna, ASUS sebagai pemimpin global pada era digital ini untuk menghadirkan produk baru yaitu ASUS Fonepad yaitu sebuah tablet 7 inci dengan tambahan fungsi telepon, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para pengguna. ASUS Fonepad Tablet 7 Inci dengan fitur yang cukup banyak manfaatnya yakni dapat menerima atau melakukan panggilan telepon, SMS, MMS, yang sangat membantu kebutuhan para penggunanya, fitur ini  membuat ASUS Fonepad Tablet 7 Inci dapat dikatakan seperti smartphone pada umumnya.

Penasaran ?? Berikut ini adalah sepesifikasinya :

ASUS Fonepad Tablet 7 Inci
ASUS Fonepad Tablet 7 Inci dengan Fungsi Telepon
Dari Sisi Desain atau Tampilan, ASUS Fonepad Tablet hadir dengan beberapa varian warna yaitu Titanium Gray atau Champagne Gold. kedua warna ini menggunakan casing dengan bahan metallic sehingga membuat ASUS Fonepad Tablet menjadi terlihat dan berkesan elegan, cocok digunakan untuk kalangan manapun. selain itu desainnya pun minimalis tidak banyak port atau konektor pada sekeliling bodynya. Penempatan Slot MicroSD ( Memory ) dan Micro SIM Card yang ada di dalam penutup belakang, dan pada bagian atas Fonepad Tablet, dengan penempatan seperti ini semakin memperkuat bahwa desain ASUS Fonepad Tablet secara keseluruhan menjadi tablet berkelas premium.

Dari Sisi Kapasitas Processor Untu memperkuat sistem, ASUS memilih menggunakan Processor Intel Atom Z2420 Lexington untuk Fonepad Tablet 7 Inci ini, yang merupakan prosesor berkecepatan 1,2GHz dan memiliki fitur HyperThreading, dan Asus Fonepad menjadi tablet 7 inci pertama di dunia yang menggunakan prosesor ini.

Dari Sisi Layar dan Kamera Layar 7 inci yang digunakan Asus Fonepad Tablet, mendukung resolusi HD yakni 1280 x 800. Dengan Menggunakan panel IPS (In Plane Switching) yaitu teknologi panel LCD yang memungkinkan panel tersebut memiliki lebar sudut pandang yang lebih baik ketimbang panel pada umumnya, dan menjadikan tablet ini punya tampilan yang tetap tajam, warna cerah meski dilihat dari berbagai sudut, hingga 178 derajat. Pada bagian depan, tersedia kamera 1,2MP. Dan kamera 3MP autofocus di bagian belakang dapat digunakan untuk merekam video beresolusi HD 720p.

Dari Sisi Penyimpanan Data Asus Fonepad Tablet 7 inci, 10 finger multi-touch berbasis Android 4.1 Jelly Bean ini menyediakan penyimpanan 8 atau 32GB dan dapat diupgrade atau ditambah hingga 32GB lagi dengan slot MicroSD. Jika belum mencukupi, ASUS juga menyiapkan online storage atau yang dikenal dengan media penyimpanan berbasis cloud,  sebesar 5GB yang bisa digunakan secara cuma-cuma selamanya oleh penggunanya. keuntungan menggunakan fitur media penyimpanan berbasis cloud ini yaitu, Webstorage Office yang memungkinkan pengguna membuka, membuat, mengedit, atau melakukan sharing dokumen MS Word, Excel dan PowerPoint lewat Fonepad tanpa perlu menginstalasikan Microsoft Office.

Dari Sisi Daya atau Baterai
Asus Fonepad Tablet dilengkapi Dengan baterai sebesar 4270mAh, pengguna dapat memutar video beresolusi HD 720p hingga 9,5 jam pada Fonepad. Bahkan Jika pengguna hanya melakukan panggilan telepon di jaringan 3G, baterai tersebut mampu memasok daya hingga 31 jam.  

sangat bermanfaat sekali sobat, mengingat bahwa gadget android lainnya pasti boros dengan baterai, nah mungkin  Asus Fonepad Tablet ini menjadi salah satu Tablet yang sangat rekomendasi sekali untuk digunakan. keungulan dan kelengkapan fiturnya pun sangat memenuhi kebutuhan penggunanya, harganya pun terbilang cukup relatif terjangkau dengan banyak fitur menarik Asus Fonepad Tablet, saat ini dipasarkan dengan harga yang yaitu Rp2.999.000 untuk kapasitas 8GB dan Rp3.699.000 untuk kapasitas 32GB, wow harga yang fantasis dan relatif terjangkau dengan Processor Intel Atom Z2420 Lexington yang cukup besar.

Sungguh menarik sekali sobat, Tablet yang sangat rekomendasi untuk semua kalangan, baik pekerja, mahasiswa ataupun wirausaha, dan umum.

Berikut Preview Videonya nih gan

oke, saya rasa cukup sekian tulisan saya kali ini, pastinya semoga ada manfaatnya untuk kita bersama, dan jangan bosan bosan untuk mampir ke blog saya ya sobat, walaupun sederhana semoga banyak manfaatnya, jangan segan untuk meninggalkan jejaknya ya sahabat, saya selalu menantikan komentar komentar atau celotehan celotehan dari teman, atau sahabat pengunjung semua, kita bertemu lagi pada tulisan berikutnya.

Asus Fonepad SEO Contest

Wallahul-muwaffiq ila Aqwamith-thoriq

Monday, September 16, 2013

Download Tutorial Packet Tracer

E-book Cisco Packet Tracer
Assalamualaikum sobat, alhamdulillah kita masih berjumpa pada postingan kali ini di blog saya yang cukup sederhana ini, tak panjang pembahasan saya kali ini, kali ini saya akan berbagi tutorial dari Software Cisco Packet Tracer yang telah saya posting sebelumnya, Tutorialnya berisi tentang :
  1. Peer to Peer
  2. Jaringan Client Server
  3. Pengertian DHCP
  4. Jaringan Router
  5. Membuat Jaringan DHCP pada Kelas C menggunakan Cisco Packet Tracer, 
  6. Studi Kasus Jaringan Router
  7. Membuat Jaringan Wireless
  8. Studi Kasus EIGRP
  9. Setting Web Server pada Cisco Packet Trace 
  10. Studi Kasus - ip router
Dan lain lain totalnya ada 20 tutorial berbentuk MS. Word dan ada satu file Excel, nah buat yang penasaran untuk download silahkan linknya ada dibawah ini. 

oke, saya rasa cukup sekian tulisan saya kali ini, pastinya semoga ada manfaatnya untuk kita bersama, dan jangan bosan bosan untuk mampir ke blog saya ya sobat, walaupun sederhana semoga banyak manfaatnya, jangan segan untuk meninggalkan jejaknya ya sahabat, saya selalu menantikan komentar komentar atau celotehan celotehan dari teman, atau sahabat pengunjung semua, kita bertemu lagi pada tulisan berikutnya semoga berhasil dan selamat mencoba.
Wallahul-muwaffiq ila Aqwamith-thoriq

Cisco Packet Tracer 5.2 Full Version

Assalamualaikum sobat, alhamdulillah kita masih dapat berjumpa kembali pada tulisan saya kali ini, semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan yang maha esa, kali ini saya ingin membahas sedikit tentang networking, ya networking merupakan hal penting dalam dunia teknologi saat ini, kita membutuhkan alat yang dapat terhubung dengan internet. Buat sobat semua yang senang berEksplorasi saya ingin bagikan software menarik untuk kita pelajari sama sama yaitu Cisco Packet Tracer 5.2 yang tentunya Full Version.
Cisco Packet Tracer merupakan software yang dapat kita sebut dengan emulator jaringan, karena kita dapat membuat simulasi atau belajar membuat jaringan sendiri dengan fasilitas komplit seperti yang sebenarnya kita lakukan.. dengan software ini kita dapat belajar mengenal fungsi dan jenis jenis kabel UTP, mengenal Router, Switch, Hub, Wireless, Lan, Subnet Mask, dan lain lain.. yang udah gak sabar mau download saya sediakan Linknya dibawah ini.

Tutorial Packet Tracer :

Download Tutorial Packet Tracer | Via Indowebster 

oke, saya rasa cukup sekian tulisan saya kali ini, pastinya semoga ada manfaatnya untuk kita bersama, dan jangan bosan bosan untuk mampir ke blog saya ya sobat, walaupun sederhana semoga banyak manfaatnya, jangan segan untuk meninggalkan jejaknya ya sahabat, saya selalu menantikan komentar komentar atau celotehan celotehan dari teman, atau sahabat pengunjung semua, kita bertemu lagi pada tulisan berikutnya semoga berhasil dan selamat mencoba.
Wallahul-muwaffiq ila Aqwamith-thoriq

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Avast Antivirus Full Version Free

Avast Antivirus Full Version Free
Assalamualaikum sobat, thanks buat sobat semua yang masih bersedia mampir, membaca, atau sekedar berkunjung tanpa meninggalkan jejaknya, untuk melihat lihat tulisan saya ini. posting kali ini saya tujukan untuk semua sobat yang sering mampir, yakni rekomendasi dari saya untuk antivirus pengaman komputer, laptop, netbook, atau sejenisnya, saya merekomendasikan ini karena berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, saya telah menggunakan antivirus ini kurang lebih 3 - 4 tahun dan Alhamdulillah antivirus ini bagus sekali untuk sobat semua, walaupun kita menggunakan yang free tetapi saya berikan license sampai 2038 yang valid, bila sobat menggunakannya. terlebih lagi apabila sobat rajin untuk mengupdate database virusnya serta upgrade versi terbarunya.
Kelebihannya saya tidak terlalu paham, tetapi berdasarkan pengalaman saya selama ini Avast Antivirus Full Version Free ini 
  1. Tidak asal buang bila menemukan software atau file yang mencurigakan seperti yang dilakukan beberapa antivirus lainnya misalkan AVIRA, AVG, dan lain lain.
  2. Menghapus secara langsung jika menemukan file / dokumen yang memang  dianggap virus.
  3. Auto Update ketika kita sedang online, dan untuk updatenya avast tidak memakan bandwidth atau kuota modem yang banyak.
  4. Selalu ada peringatan untuk Upgrade versi,
  5. License Valid Terus Sampai 2038.
Kekurangannya saya juga tidak terlalu paham karena saya menggunakannya nyaman - nyaman saja beberapa tahun ini tanpa ada kendala.
Jadi gak usah banyak berfikir langsung aja gunakan antivirus ini, yang mau download berikut link downloadnya.

Dan berikut adalah serialnya sampai 2038 :

Password :

oke,, cukup sekian posting saya kali ini, pastinya semoga ada manfaatnya untuk kita bersama, dan jangan bosan bosan untuk mampir ke blog saya ya sobat, walaupun sederhana semoga banyak manfaatnya, jangan segan untuk meninggalkan jejaknya ya saahabat, saya selalu menantikan komentar komentar atau celotehan celotehan dari teman, atau sahabat pengunjung semua, semoga berhasil dan selamat mencoba.
Wallahul-muwaffiq ila Aqwamith-thoriq

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Business Crime Fraud Under The Guise Of Investment

Business Crime Fraud Under The Guise Of Investment

Of all the precious metals, gold is the most popular as an investment. Investors generally buy gold as a hedge or harbor against economic, political, or social fiat currency crises (including investment market declines, burgeoning national debt, currency failure, inflation, war and social unrest). The gold market is subject to speculation as are other markets, especially through the use of futures contracts and derivatives. Gold price has shown a long term correlation with the price of crude oil. This suggests a reason why gold is sold off during economic weakness.
Gold has been used throughout history as money and has been a relative standard for currency equivalents specific to economic regions or countries, until recent times. Many European countries implemented gold standards in the latter part of the 19th century until these were temporarily suspended in the financial crises involving World War I.[citation needed] After World War II, the Bretton Woods system pegged the United States dollar to gold at a rate of US$35 per troy ounce. The system existed until the 1971 Nixon Shock, when the US unilaterally suspended the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold and made the transition to a fiat currency system. The last currency to be divorced from gold was the Swiss Franc in 2000.[citation needed]
Since 1919 the most common benchmark for the price of gold has been the London gold fixing, a twice-daily telephone meeting of representatives from five bullion-trading firms of the London bullion market. Furthermore, gold is traded continuously throughout the world based on the intra-day spot price, derived from over-the-counter gold-trading markets around the world (code "XAU"). The following table sets forth the gold price versus various assets and key statistics on the basis of data taken with the frequency of five years.

Definition of investment
An asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in the future. In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth. In finance, an investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or appreciate and be sold at a higher price.

Gold investment & investment Fraud
Investment frauds target individuals.  The fraudsters use convincing arguments to make people part with their savings.  These types of fraudsters usually want you to invest your money in a company or an opportunity which seems to be offering very high rates of return A precious metal that has functioned as a currency or served as a long-standing investment since the early days of civilization. Gold is a safe haven investment, which means that investors will put their money in gold during times of extreme uncertainty such as war, terrorist attacks, or financial uncertainty such as a sell-off in the stock market, or during times of high inflation. Traders in investment gold have special obligations in particular they are required to keep account of all substantial transactions in investment gold and to keep documentation to allow identification of customers for a period of at least five year.

Perpetrator in business
One of the side-effects of modern capitalisation is the emergence of business crime, which is also known as white-collar crime. Criminologist Edwin Sutherland defined the term as non-violent crimes most likely to be committed by white collar employees or employers, due to their industry's unique position in society that allow exclusive access and power over certain resources. The types of crime committed in this context are often fraud, bribery, computer crime and forgery; where money, property or services are exchanged to gain advantage in business or in private life. In summary, these crimes involve inappropriate use of confidential information by those who have access to it. Sensitive information is an essential corporate asset and a secured system to safeguard it is paramount

The Investment Understanding and Investment Activities
  • Sleep People in this category mostly do not have enough investment knowledge and do not join the investment. Their reasons are they have limited funds; they have lack of information, knowledge and intentional/understanding; and they are also averse to risk.
  • Sissy People in this category mostly have enough investment understanding but they do not join the investment. They are called risk avoiders. The reason used by this category are they have a limited fund and they averse the risk.
  • Courageous People in this category do not have enough understanding of investment but they join the investment. This people are called risk takers. This following reason cause this category are  brave to take the risk and doing investment because the other investors.
  • Smart This category consists of people who have enough understanding of investment and they joint the  investment. This category caused by brave to take the risk,  regain conciousness of investing, and  also understand the risk of investment.
How to Avoid Scams & Fraud
These criminals like to prey on the naive, inexperienced investor. However, any investor can become a victim. Any investor can succumb when the product is packaged attractively enough.
    Don’t be a courtesy victim.  Con artists will not hesitate to exploit the good manners of the potential victim.  Remember that a stranger who calls and asks for your money is to be regarded with utmost caution and skepticism. You have absolutely no obligation to stay on the phone with a stranger who wants your money. It's not impolite to say you are not interested and hang up.
    Don’t be rushed – check it out.  Say no to any salesperson that pressures you to make an immediate decision.  If he or she doesn’t have the time to explain the investment to your regular investment professional, or other party, or if they ask “Can’t you make your own investment decisions?”  Say NO!  You have the right and responsibility to check out the salesperson, firm, and the investment opportunity itself.  Almost all investment opportunities must be registered with the Securities Division.  Extensive background information on investment professionals and firms is available from the Securities Division.
    Before you even consider investing, get the prospectus, review it carefully, and make sure you understand all the risks involved.  But remember, even written material sent from the promoter can be fraudulent or misleading.
    Always stay in charge of your money.  Don't be taken in by anyone who wants your money and assures you that he or she is a professional and can handle everything.  Beware of any financial professional who suggests putting your money into something you don’t understand.  And never let yourself be talked into leaving everything in his or her hands.
    Always watch over and protect your nest egg.  Never trust anyone who wants you to turn over your money to them and then sit back and wait for results.  If you understand little about the world of investments, take the time to educate yourself.  Constant vigilance is a necessary part of being an investor.
    Never judge a person’s integrity by how they look or sound.  Far too many investors who are wiped out by con artists later explain that the swindler “looked and sounded so professional."  Successful con artists sound extremely professional and have the ability to make even the flimsiest investment deal sound as safe as putting money in the bank.  Remember that sincerity in a voice, especially on the phone, has no bearing on the soundness of an investment opportunity.  Always do the necessary homework.
    Watch out for salespeople that prey on your fears.  Con artists know that many investors, particularly older investors, worry that they will either outlive their savings or see all of their financial resources vanish overnight as the result of a catastrophic event.  It's quite common for swindlers and abusive salespeople to pitch their schemes as a way to build up life savings to the point where such fears are no longer necessary.  Remember that fear and greed can cloud your good judgment and leave you in a much worse financial posture.  An investment that is right for you will make sense because you understand it and feel comfortable with the degree of risk involved.  High return almost always means high risk.
    Exercise particular caution if you have limited or no experience handling money.  Ask a con artist to describe his ideal victim and you're likely to hear "elderly widow or widower."  Many people now in their retirement years have limited knowledge about handling money.  They often relied on their spouses to handle most or all money decisions.  Those who have received windfall insurance in the wake of the death of a spouse are prime targets for con artists.  People who are on their own for the first time in years should always seek advice of family members or impartial professionals before deciding what to do with their money.
    Monitor your investments and ask tough questions.  Too many investors trust unscrupulous investment professionals and outright con artists to make financial decisions for them.  They then compound their error by failing to keep an eye on the progress of the investment. Insist on regular written reports.  Check the written information.  Look for excessive or unauthorized trading in your funds.  Don’t be swayed by assurances that such practices are routine or in your best interest.  Don’t permit a sense of friendship or trust to keep you from demanding this information. If you suspect something is wrong and you don’t get satisfactory answers, call the Securities Division and let us help.
    Look for trouble retrieving your principal or cashing out profits.  If a stockbroker, financial planner, or other individual stalls you when you want to pull out your principal or profits, demand to know why.  Since unscrupulous investment promoters have probably pocketed the funds of their victims, they will go to great lengths to explain why your savings are not available.  They may even pressure you to “roll over” non-existent profits into new and even more alluring investments. This will only further delay the fraud being uncovered.  If you're not investing in a product with a fixed term, such as a bond, you should be able to receive your funds or profits within a reasonable amount of time.
    Don’t let embarrassment or fear keep you from reporting investment fraud or abuse.  Investors who fail to report that they've been victimized often hesitate out of embarrassment. Older investors fear they'll be judged incapable of handling their own affairs and be forced into a nursing home or other facility.  Sophisticated investors don't want to admit that a smooth talker took them in.  Con artists know all about such sensitivities.
    They count on these fears preventing or delaying the time when the authorities will be notified about the scam.  It's true that most money lost to investment fraud is rarely recovered beyond pennies on the dollar.  In many cases, however, when investors recognized early that they'd been misled, they were able to recover some or all of their funds by being a “squeaky wheel”.  One of the best resources for investors who fear they have been victimized is the Securities Division of the Department of Financial Institutions.
To deter white-collar crime, organisations need to systematically manage their sensitive information. The best deterrence solution is to implement a security infrastructure that restricts and monitors personnel's access.

Fraud case studies
As recently covered by mass media, Golden Traders Indonesia Syariah (GTIS), a Malaysian-based investment company, has been accused of perpetrating a Ponzi-like fraud using its gold investment scheme.
The investment scheme offered by GTIS is simple. A customer buys its gold at a higher than normal price and he or she will receive a higher than normal return. Media reports say at least two high profile figures, the chairman of the People’s Representative Council and the chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), have both endorsed GTIS’ investment scheme.
Recently, GTIS’ customers grew restless after news spread of the disappearance of its director together with a huge amount of company’s fortunes. According to the head of the Futures Exchange Supervisory Board (Bappebti), several investment companies in Indonesia have been running similar schemes involving investment in gold.
Experts say similar things have happened in Malaysia, where several companies similar to GTIS have run gold investment schemes and attracted many customers who then end up not receiving what they have been promised (i.e. investment returns).
Public suspicion of anything looking like a “get-rich-quick” scheme is not without reason.
Last year, for example, Koperasi Langit Biru (KLB) made the news by defrauding its investors with investment packages that were no more than “robbing Paul to pay Peter” schemes — otherwise known as Ponzi schemes — that pay investors not from the return on their investments but from their own money and the money of subsequent investors.

Law review of this case: Article 378 of the penal code (KUHP) formulated as follow:
"Whoever with intent to benefit themselves or others unlawfully, by using a false name or false dignity, by cunning or by a series of lies move others to give something to her body, or that provide debt or eliminate debt, threatened for fraud with a maximum imprisonment of four years. "

Many scams on the 'Net aren't new at all. They're just variations on classic Ponzi schemes, pump and dump scams, and offshore investing scams. Bulletin boards are especially dangerous because you don't know the identity of who is posting. Take all posts with a grain of salt. Newsletters are often written by paid promoters. Always be skeptical: if things sound too good to be true, they probably are.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cybercrime Software Piracy

Meaning Of Cybercrime
Commonly referred to as cybercrime or cyber crime is a term that refers to criminal activity with a computer or computer network to be a tool, target or place of crime. Included in cybercrimes include online auction fraud, check fraud, credit card fraud / carding, confidence fraud, identity fraud, child pornography, etc.. But the term is also used for traditional criminal activities in which computers or computer networks are used to facilitate or enable the crimes occurred.
Examples of cybercrime in which the computer as a tool is spamming and crimes against copyright and intellectual property. Examples of cybercrime in which the computer as the target is illegal access (access control trick), malware and DoS attacks. Examples of cybercrime in which the computer as where is identity fraud. While examples of traditional crimes with a computer as a tool is child pornography and online gambling.

Meaning Of Software Piracy
Software piracy is copyright theft. Software piracy is the unauthorized copying or distribution of copyrighted software. This can be done by copying, downloading, sharing, selling, or installing multiple copies onto personal or work computers. What a lot of people don't realize or don't think about is that when you purchase software, you are actually purchasing a license to use it, not the actual software. That license is what tells you how many times you can install the software, so it's important to read it. If you make more copies of the software than the license permits, you are pirating.

Types Of Software Piracy
As for other forms of infringement of a software can be done in various ways:
  1. Loading to the hard disk This action is usually done if we buy a computer from computer stores, where the seller is trying to install the operating system along with other software as a bonus to the buyer's computer.
  2. Softlifting That is where a use of a software license used beyond the capacity of its use. For example, buy a software officially but then install it on any number of computers exceeds the number of licenses to install a given.
  3. Forgery Of producing and selling pirated software are usually in the form of a CD ROM, which is often found in bookstores or shopping centers, rental software, illegal downloading, by downloading software from the internet illegally.
  4. Rental Software Three known forms of software piracy in leasing:
    • Products are rented for use on a computer at home or at the office tenants;
    • Leased products through mail order;
    • Items contained in the computer were hired for a limited time.
  5. Illegal downloading via the Internet Occurs through unauthorized downloading software via modem to the electronic bulletin relationship is another form of piracy. Piracy is not the same and should not be confused with the use of the software provided in the public domain, shareware or shared facilities.
Characteristics of Pirated Software
Using pirated software is illegal or unlawful act and an act of sin. With the use of pirated software products the software developers do not get the benefit of software development efforts so that they can lose money and lost the desire to develop other software or sequel. By using pirated software products, people so addicted and accustomed to good software at a great price, but people do not want to pay a dime to use it. Before installing the program, investigate first whether it is legal or illegal software.
  • Here are the characteristics of pirated software;
  • Sold in vcd or dvd at low prices;
  • Shape and packaged similar to cd or dvd cd or dvd other;
  • Bundled in a collection of software that developers are not the same name;
  • There is a serial number or a program to crack open the software protection;
  • Can not be updated;
  • Experiencing error or hang on a certain number of transactions;
  • Sometimes contain harmful viruses or trojans;
  • Downloaded or not downloaded free from the official website, the official website where a certain set prices.
Causes of Software Piracy in Indonesia
  1. The expensive price of standard software for the people of Indonesia. It is indeed recognized and understandable because it is the welfare of the people of Indonesia are still many who are at levels below the standard. Price of software is still considered quite expensive for the Indonesian people. Moreover, the existing software is usually sold in the U.S. dollar which is very Rupiah depreciate as U.S. $ exchange rate continued its rise against the Dollar. The value of the Rupiah reasonable cause, when compared to Japan, Singapore, South Korea or Taiwan, whose currency is almost comparable to the U.S. Dollar is very small indeed found cases of software piracy in the country. The price of a software sometimes even more expensive than the price of a set of computer software. It is actually okay considering the software is the result of intellectual creators. But just how do people think of computers and software to get the lowest possible price without considering other things.
  2. Lack of awareness to respect the intellectual property of others, There is still a lack of public appreciation over the work of others is caused less conscious that a work like the software takes a long time and certainly extraordinary difficulties for him. Masyararkat education due to lack of appreciation which are still relatively low so do not understand how important an intellect and creativity in the work. Lack of awareness to buy original software like this is further compounded by the price is still relatively expensive software earlier. The public does not realize that the software they are using it have easy work that deserves to be rewarded with a way to buy the original software.
  3. It's easy to get pirated software, This is one thing the public support for the use of pirated software. At the moment the price is very expensive software. It turned out to get pirated software very, very easy. Simply by browsing on the internet so we could download pirated software. Many sites on the internet which provides free software and should be done by computer users simply download the software to get a chill. Both sites overseas as well as many local websites providing pirated software is free to carry the name of the file sharing site then the site can be found in various files and one of the pirated software. Pirated software is also mostly found in malls or markets that are packed in the form of vcd or dvd the most expensive appreciated sebesarnya Rp. 25,000 price is very much cheaper than the original software. Even the pirated software also can be found in the rental vcd / dvd which is currently quite a lot. In terms of relationships with friends were sometimes pirated software can be obtained. Just copy the software from a friend and install it on your computer. Ask for a copy of the software as a friend borrow a book from a friend. So many loopholes to get pirated software.
  4. Lack of law enforcement and strict punishment for users of pirated software, Until now Indonesia still do not have a standard rule in addressing problems in the field of Information Technology specifically about software piracy. Law enforcement officers who resolve legal issues in the field of IT also is the police who notabenenya considered less feasible for law enforcement in the field of IT as to be able to enforce the law in the field of police IT must understand the rules and ethics of the IT world in order to avoid false arrest.
  5. There is no clear rule of law in Indonesia IT field is one reason rampant software piracy. As with the United States for example, there is no law enforcement alone to solve legal problems in the field of IT. To this it must be recognized that Indonesia is still lagging. The pirated software users feel safe just use the illegal goods Because there is no officer who admonished him, moreover, there is no rule of law that is certain to deal with cases of software piracy in Indonesia.
Impact Of Software Piracy
From the economic front, data released by International Data Corporation (IDC) on Global Software Piracy Study 2008, the losses have turned out pretty shocking crime. The potential of the software industry revenue (software) Indonesia in 2008 reached 544 million lost dollars due to rampant piracy. That number jumped 31 percent over the previous year. The piracy rate rose only 1 percent to 85 percent, and put Indonesia on the 12th of 110 countries. According to the IDC study, 80 percent of piracy losses suffered by the local players in the software industry, the company's software, the software industry, and distribution.
Piracy is not only detrimental to local software companies, but also detrimental to the State. Software companies lose because original products that cost millions of dollars to compete with pirated products that cost only tens of thousands of dollars. The state also harmed, because the pirated software is definitely not pay taxes. About the losses suffered due to piracy, Microsoft Indonesia never get the data. Nevertheless it does not mean losses could be calculated and according to data from a study conducted by the BSA (Business Software Alliance) that the value of losses caused by software piracy (especially for the case in Indonesia) about 197 million U.S. dollars for all companies. Although Microsoft itself does not count directly, but still feel aggrieved. That is, there is opportunity is eliminated due to the actions of pirates. If we use the data BSA (Bank Secrecy Act), that 97 percent of software is pirated in Indonesian, means we are serving only three percent, and 97 percent more in the pockets of people (pirates). Of a further interview process it was found that one of the main factors of rampant software piracy that is because the perception is wrong (apart from the initial intention was plowing).
In essence, the public (which is purely not know) assume that if you buy the software it became hers. Though buying software that was purchased license rights for use. So, to be distinguished between buying a license to buy a product that can be directly interpreted as a private property right.

Government's Efforts to Minimize Software Piracy
Efforts by the Government are:
  1. Educate users on the benefits of software that can be achieved by using the original software;
  2. Persuade retailers that sell genuine software;
  3. The socialization importance of using genuine software, BSA and Autodesk, hold seminars to schools and colleges on-softwara existing software. also explained the disadvantages if using Sotware false;
  4. Through educating the consumers and sellers of software such as the Global Fair Play campaigns were held simultaneously in 46 countries, including Indonesia. Consumers need to get enough understanding to know the characteristics of the original software and only buy from authorized resellers. While awareness of the sellers need software to protect consumer rights by selling only legal software;
  5. Government needs to work harder to sensitize communities and businesses in order to respect the copyright or intellectual property rights (IPR).
Software Piracy Case
An example of the success of the West Java Provincial Police (Polda) which investigated PT. JP, a marble exporter and producer. Also, the West Jakarta District Police (Polres) which investigated PT. PML, a company that produces PVC pipe, and PT. CSA, a building materials supermarket, where both companies were using unlicensed Microsoft software. 

The Police uses Article 72(1) for multiplication; 
Any person who intentionally and without right to perform an action as in Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 49 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be punished with imprisonment each of at least 1 (one) month and / or a fine of not less Rp 1,000,000.00 (one million dollars), or imprisonment of 7 (seven) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion dollars).  
Article 72 (2) for distributions; 
Any person who deliberately broadcast, display, distribute, or sell to the public a work or goods resulting infringement of copyright or related rights referred to in paragraph (1) shall be punished with imprisonment of 5 (five) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah).
Article 72(3) for users;
Any person who intentionally and without right to reproduce for the benefit of the use of a commercial computer program shall be punished with imprisonment of 5 (five) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah).
Though law No. 19 of 2002 does prescribe minimum sanctions, it would be worthwhile trying to increasing the fines for greater deterrence.

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